Saturday, October 5, 2013

Thing 10

Feedly is an RSS newsreader that I am using and an advantage to this over others is that you can use it from your smart phone.  Some blogs that I have subscribed to through Feedly are, CNN, Cool Cat Teacher Blog, Food Network, How To of the Day, MindShift, Pintrest, Recylart, and What the Teacher Wants.  What I like about RSS and newsreaders is that it doesn't send you any emails and reduces on junk mail.  Another likeable perk to RSS is that it saves time on having to look things up on the web and just makes things more convenient because it keeps track of what you've read and saves your spot so you don't have to go back and look for where you left off.  Another plus to it is that it puts all your favorite news feeds together and makes it easier to stay updated on your interests and current news.   I definitely am able to use this type of technology in my personal and school life in several different ways.  One way I can use this technology is that I am able to share and collaborate any lesson plans or teaching activities with others.  There are so many innovative ideas, DIY projects and recyclable crafts that I love to work and plan to use in my future career as a teacher. 

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